Product returns

We understand that sometimes you need to return your order. Maybe the product is not exactly what you expected, or maybe you have another reason for not wanting to keep it after all. Whatever the reason, you have 14 days after receiving your order to return it, no questions asked. After contacting us about returning the order, you have another 14 days to get it back to us. We will then return the entire purchase amount, including the cost of shipping it to you. Only the cost of shipping it back to us is for your own account. Within the Netherlands this is normally €6,95 per parcel. For exact amounts, check the website of the shipping company. If you’re making use of this no-questions-asked returns policy, you need to send the order back in original condition, and in the original packaging. To make use of this no-questions-asked return policy, you can contact us at Your payment will be returned to you within 14 days of receiving your request to return, if we have received the product in good order with this time. If the product or packaging is damaged, or looks as though it was used for more than just looking at, we may take the depreciation of value into account, and not return the full purchase amount. So please handle the product with care and, if returning it, please package it carefully.

Product exchange

Would you like to exchange your product? That’s not a problem. Contact us at The costs of shipping the product back to us are for your own account.

Incorrect shipping address

Given us an incorrect shipping address by mistake? Contact us as quickly as possible. We will attempt to change your order details for you.